Keep Believing When There’s No Reason To Believe

by | Dec 12, 2022 | Devotionals | 0 comments

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And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead – and so was Sarah’s womb. Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. – Romans 4: 19-21

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When the Apostle Paul wrote the book of Romans, many Jewish believers were still placing undue emphasis on being circumcised.

So in his letter, Paul uses Abraham (the father of the Jewish nation) to illustrate how circumcision was not an indicator of salvation.

Paul argues that Abraham was justified through his faith because God counted him righteous well before he was ever circumcised.

And when he reflects on Abraham’s faith, he brings to light something extremely profound and encouraging:

Abraham believed God for the outrageous, bizarre, extraordinary, and impossible.

There was absolutely no logical reason for him to believe that he and Sarah could bring a child into the world at their age.

But it wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t genuinely and wholeheartedly believe.

And as far as God is concerned, we’re not really in the faith if we don’t believe for real – if we don’t seriously believe in His supernatural power.

It’s truly a tragedy that so many of us will never unlock the promises God has for us because we’re only willing to believe in the natural.

We put constraints on what reality could be, and we completely stifle God’s ability to work in our lives.

We have to know in our hearts and minds that Christ is indeed His Son and He can do ANYTHING.

We have to be like Abraham and believe Him for the ridiculous, insane, impossible, bizarre, and outrageous.

Only then will we see the world how God wants us to see it, and be counted as one of his righteous children.

Be blessed,


Prayer: God, help me to be like Abraham and believe you for the impossible. Lead me closer to your Son and to your Holy Spirit every day so my character will reflect that I am one of yours and not a child of the world. Help me to stay faithful and keep hoping when all signs around me say that there’s no reason to hope anymore. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

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My name is Alexia Hogan, and over the years, I have dealt with a range of disorders including: panic disorder, agoraphobia, chronic insomnia, social anxiety, PTSD, major depression, trichotillomania, and OCD (persistent intrusive thoughts). I understand the struggle very well, and I invite you to participate in this healing journey with me.  Learn More