If you refuse to make the loan and the needy person cries out to the Lord, you will be considered guilty of sin. Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. – Deuteronomy 15: 9-10
Money is a sensitive topic for a lot of people.
Nobody wants anyone to tell them what they should be doing with their money.
If you work hard for it, you want to spend it the way you desire.
After all, you’ve got goals. And those goals require money.
You’re trying to buy a house, trying to save for a vacation, trying to create a comfortable life for yourself and your children.
So if someone comes along on the street and asks you to donate your money to a cause, your natural inclination is to clench tightly to your wallet or purse.
But what if that person telling you to give is God?
Well, one reason not to be stingy when God tells you what to do with your money is that God is the reason you have any money at all! (Amen?)
He owns everything, so all the funds in your checking account actually belong to Him!
When God calls us to give, it’s not because He wants us to be without what we want or need.
When He asks us to give, it’s because He wants us to have a big heart for Him and for others.
He wants us to derive joy from having a compassionate and generous heart.
When God calls us to tithe, it’s not so that the Preacher can buy a Rolls Royce (hopefully).
It’s so that the poor and needy in the community can be blessed by our giving, and so that programs and ministries that enrich people’s lives can be funded.
God loves it when we give generously and sacrificially from the heart.
And you have nothing to lose when God loves your giving.
He’ll bless you 10 times over.
Be blessed,