Finding Common Ground With Unbelievers

by | Dec 8, 2022 | Devotionals | 0 comments

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When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings. – 1 Corinthians 9: 22-23

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One of the things my Pastor constantly stresses at my church is that we as believers should never argue with anyone about our beliefs.

Because an argument is never going to result in a person giving their life to Christ.

It’s not through words that a person’s heart is turned to God, but through the Spirit.

People have to see the Spirit working through us and around us before they submit themselves to Jesus; they have to feel the love, warmth, kindness, compassion, thoughtfulness, understanding, and patience that the Spirit fills us with.

And we don’t have to bend over backward in our efforts to connect with others. The Holy Spirit will show us exactly how to relate to unbelievers so that we will be a viable spiritual resource for them when they’re ready to learn more.

As we continue to intercede on their behalf, we will see some amazing things happen.

People who were adamantly opposed to any and everything related to Christianity will begin to ask us questions.

They will become open to watching sermons and even attending church with us.

And it will all be done through the power of the Spirit.

All we have to do is follow Paul’s lead and continue to find common ground with the unbelievers in our lives so they might see the light of the Spirit within us and praise our Father in heaven!

Be blessed,


Prayer: God, I pray that right now you would fill me with a spirit of humility and love so I will be able to find common ground with people from all walks of life. Teach me how to show compassion to those who don’t yet know you, and help me to be a source of spiritual support for those who are lost and in search of your eternal glory. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

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My name is Alexia Hogan, and over the years, I have dealt with a range of disorders including: panic disorder, agoraphobia, chronic insomnia, social anxiety, PTSD, major depression, trichotillomania, and OCD (persistent intrusive thoughts). I understand the struggle very well, and I invite you to participate in this healing journey with me.  Learn More