2022 Is the Year to Experience God’s Restoration

by | Jan 2, 2022 | Faith, Life | 2 comments

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The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.  He restores my soul.  – Psalm 23: 1-3

I ambitiously started this blog during the height of the pandemic in 2020, but I was forced to take a break from writing in early 2021 after my computer crashed.

After I got a new computer, there was yet another hurdle I had to tackle… 

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The job I was working had become so stressful, toxic, and abusive that I had to shift my focus away from writing devotionals and articles to finding a healthier working environment.

The balding at the top of my head worsened significantly even though I tried for a short time to grow it back, and…

I lost my eyebrows due to job-related stress.

I’m thankful to report that God answered my prayers at the end of 2021 and ushered me into a wonderful new position where I’m now thriving in a healthy environment. 

After shedding the toxic job in October, I decided to start from ground zero and focus on taking care of myself.  And I’m now in a place where my mental and emotional cup is full enough to be able to write again.   

I’ve had some setbacks and hiccups with my anxiety, but I feel that God is in the process of restoring me. 

That may be why Psalms 23:1-3 has been circling through my mind for the past month and a half.  

As I’ve ridden the train, walked down the street, taken out the trash, etc., I’ve recited internally (and sometimes out loud) these verses. They’ve helped me in moments of intense anxiety and uncertainty, but they have also revealed to me more of God’s nature.  

What has stood out to me is that God has the power to restore.  

He’s a God of miracles.  He knows all things and can do all things.  

There’s no place too dark for Him.  

There’s nothing lost that He can’t replenish and restore.  

What’s even more amazing is that when my church opened its doors for the first time since the pandemic started on December 12th 2021, my pastor’s first sermon was based on the 23rd Psalm!

My pastor explained in detail the meaning of every single verse

He reminded us that when David spoke about God restoring his soul, he meant that God had the power to restore his mind, will, and emotions.  

God can plant a heart of flesh inside of us and remove our hearts of stone.  

He can turn us towards Him and His son Jesus.  

He can make us walk straight and lead us down a path of righteousness for His name’s sake.

God has restored so much for me already going into this year:

  • My career and finances
  • My motivation to cook, eat well, and take care of myself
  • My circadian rhythm
  • My hair and eyebrows

But I’m even more thankful that He’s restoring my soul to the freshwater of His Word. 

Today is Day 2 on my journey to read the Bible in 2022 in its entirety (for the second time).

And I pray that as I read, God will reveal more of His truth to me, give me more and more conviction, and guide me as I use His Word to write for this blog. 

I pray that God will empty me of the desire for personal gain and prevent me from being a stumbling block to others. 

I pray that I can be a suitable vessel to share His truth and the gift of Jesus Christ. 

And I pray that He will give me the strength to be consistent and press on with publishing my articles and devotionals no matter what this year. 

And to whoever may be reading this, I pray that God showers you with blessings and favor in 2022.  

I pray this is your best year yet!

Cheers to the New Year!



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  1. Ebony Grady

    This was a great introduction back into your ministry Alexia! Thank you for your transparency and the words of your testimony. As I read through the article all I could think was “all things are working together for your good.” I am thankful that God has guided you and restored you! Bigger blessings are on the way!!

  2. Alexia Hogan

    Thanks Ebony!!!


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My name is Alexia Hogan, and over the years, I have dealt with a range of disorders including: panic disorder, agoraphobia, chronic insomnia, social anxiety, PTSD, major depression, trichotillomania, and OCD (persistent intrusive thoughts). I understand the struggle very well, and I invite you to participate in this healing journey with me.  Learn More